Infrarot Abstandssensor Not Specified Raspberry Pi® add-on PCB Infrarot Abstandssensor Arduino, Banana Pi, Raspberry Pi® A, B, B+, pcDuino

Part Nnumber
Infrarot Abstandssensor
Raspberry Pi® add-on PCB Infrarot Abstandssensor Arduino, Banana Pi, Raspberry Pi® A, B, B+, pcDuino
Not Specified
Basic price
16,97 EUR

The product with part number Infrarot Abstandssensor (Raspberry Pi® add-on PCB Infrarot Abstandssensor Arduino, Banana Pi, Raspberry Pi® A, B, B+, pcDuino) is from company Not Specified and distributed with basic unit price 16,97 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Technical data Category Raspberry Pi® add-on PCB Suitable for Arduino, Banana Pi, Raspberry Pi® A, B, B+, pcDuino Width 29.5 mm Height 13 mm T 13.5 mm

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(keyword Infrarot Abstandssensor Not Specified Raspberry Pi® add-on PCB Infrarot Abstandssensor Arduino, Banana Pi, Raspberry Pi® A, B, B+, pcDuino)
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