H*SPONA-00002952 Not Specified Pérová pøíchytka pro profil 8358, 8437 ,36x9.5x6.3mm

Part Nnumber
Pérová pøíchytka pro profil 8358, 8437 ,36x9.5x6.3mm
Not Specified
Basic price
0,23 EUR

The product with part number H*SPONA-00002952 (Pérová pøíchytka pro profil 8358, 8437 ,36x9.5x6.3mm) is from company Not Specified and distributed with basic unit price 0,23 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Marking manufacturer 00002952 Type of casing: THT Type of component: THT RoHS no REACH no Packaging and weight: Unit: ks Weight: 1.18 [g] Packaging (Number of units): 2000

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(keyword H*SPONA-00002952 Not Specified Pérová pøíchytka pro profil 8358, 8437 ,36x9.5x6.3mm)
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