Product Details for Material from Not Specified - 154/802/804 - Fixed adapter piece Schweiz Typ11 154/802/804

154/802/804 Not Specified Fixed adapter piece Schweiz Typ11 154/802/804

Part Nnumber
Fixed adapter piece Schweiz Typ11 154/802/804
Not Specified
Basic price
3,56 EUR

The product with part number 154/802/804 (Fixed adapter piece Schweiz Typ11 154/802/804) is from company Not Specified and distributed with basic unit price 3,56 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Round pin attachment plug/Swiss type11 plug adapter Technical data Category Fixed adapter piece USB port No for mains supply J Destination Switzerland Highlights & details IP44 Description Round pin attachment plug without safety system on Swiss type 11 plug adapter with sealing washer. Plug-in connection cannot be taken apart once connected. One-way assembly, for a one-time, permanent connection.

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(keyword 154/802/804 Not Specified Fixed adapter piece Schweiz Typ11 154/802/804)
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