Product Details for Material from Not Specified - Lj E 1605-CF195 -CF - EE-ungapped ferrite core

Lj E 1605-CF195 -CF Not Specified EE-ungapped ferrite core

Part Nnumber
Lj E 1605-CF195 -CF
EE-ungapped ferrite core
Not Specified
Basic price
519,54 EUR

The product with part number Lj E 1605-CF195 -CF (EE-ungapped ferrite core) is from company Not Specified and distributed with basic unit price 519,54 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Marking manufacturer CF195AE1605 OL Type of casing: !_not_! Case (shape): EE 16 Type of component: !_not_! Specification: MnZn-High µ RoHS yes REACH yes Electrical parameters: AL (1kHz/10kHz) (by product number) 1850 [nH] Tolerance of nominal value -20+30% Material, color, design: Type of material: Ferrite Material: CF195 (T65/3E4) BSAT 260 [mT] Thermal and mechanical parameters: Tmax (maximum working temperature) 120 [°C] Fmin: 10 [N] Fmax: 30 [N] Magnetic parameters (per set) AL (100kHz) 1850 [nH] AL (200kHz) 1850 [nH] AL (400kHz) 1600 [nH] Le - Effective Lenght 37.6 [mm] Cross Section 20.1 Ve - Effective Volume 756 [mm3] Dimensions: Gap (by product number) No Gap [mm] W-width 4.7 [mm] L - length 16 [mm] H - height 8.2 [mm] Packaging and weight: Unit: ks Weight: 1.9 [g] Packaging (Number of units): 8000 Tray (Number of units): 400 nah_1 B66307G0000X130 E16/8/5 nah_2 (EF16) B66307-G-X130 nah_3 K5500,A05,N,J,F10,F9C,NC-5Y,H40,SM50, H5S2

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