RTM<100R/ 0W5 T93YB Not Specified 10% (64Y/3296Y) nastojato,osa shora ,0.5W/85°C 21ot výv.do trojú

Part Nnumber
RTM<100R/ 0W5 T93YB
10% (64Y/3296Y) nastojato,osa shora ,0.5W/85°C 21ot výv.do trojú
Not Specified
Basic price
0,87 EUR

The product with part number RTM<100R/ 0W5 T93YB (10% (64Y/3296Y) nastojato,osa shora ,0.5W/85°C 21ot výv.do trojú) is from company Not Specified and distributed with basic unit price 0,87 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Type of casing: THT Type of component: THT RoHS no REACH no Electrical parameters: Nominal value: 100 Ω Tolerance of nominal value ±10 % Pmax without heatsink ( TA=25°C) 0.5 [W] Thermal and mechanical parameters: Tmin (minimum working temperature) -55 [°C] Tmax (maximum working temperature) 125 [°C] Packaging and weight: Unit: ks Weight: 1.25 [g] Packaging (Number of units): 50

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